Previously Sarah made a very striking statement: "i cannot give up carbs. i love bread too much."
she wondered how Vanessa lost all that weight and got such beautiful arms. However, she was not ready to give all that up: let go of the carbs , eat some veggies and be who she wanted to be and also be seen the way she wanted to be seen.
With some determination and discipline she could deter herself from the sweetness of fatty foods.
She could let go the the bread she so loves.
This DLB readers is what sacrifice is:
letting go of whatever necessary, for an expected end.
This is powerful!
I love this quote by Thomas Jefferson because it is so true!
"In order to make profound changes in your life you must be prepared to do something different, outside of your comfort zone."
John learned the hard way. All his life he spent messing things up. He always enjoyed breaking things, disturbing and hurting people. It all broke before him when his dad passed on.
There was nothing more devastating for him than that. His mom broke the news to him saying "many are the words people leave their loved ones on their death bed, but all your dad said to tell you is 'listen' "
John wept . He sat in one corner of his room reflecting on the words and advice of his dad.
At that moment his life changed. The transformation in john marvelled everyone. He began to dress properly to school, he did better in class and topped in all activities he engaged in .
Word from his mom came at that after that day; he stopped clubbing and refrained from all dubious acts.
John became more respectful. The hours he used to spend clubbing he now invested in reading.He took care of all his chores before you had the chance to question him about it. John
gave up clubbing, roaming about unnecessarily and his obsession with disturbing people. The change is evident he became more successful and beautified his life immensely. That is the opportunity you have right now!
Be like Sarah and John
:the beauty is within, its up to you to bring it out.